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The secrets of why the tooth fairy comes for children’s teeth were long forgotten. That is, until an adventurous young boy named Garth decided he wanted to become friends with a dragon. His innocence gets him into a lot of trouble. Little did he know, he would revive the ancient dragon wars, upset the long friendships between fairies, dragons and humans, and end up learning how to be a magician. With the help of his friends, Garth becomes the unexpected hero by turning back the evil Pyorrhoea Pete the Pirate and his hoard of Drooling Gummies.
The exciting adventure series continues from the escapades of 800 years ago by the magician Garth described in The Legend of the Tooth Fairy by a magical teddy bear by the name of Taddy Boy, now in the modern day city of Bicuspid .
Fangor, the last remaining dragon, has sensed dragon eggs have been unearthed in a place called Gumgolia and, driven by strong prehistoric survival instincts, wishes to bring them back to life. Holly, the unsuspecting young descendant of Garth, is summoned by the fairies to help them in a magical and dangerous journey through Brushya, Tonsilvania, and the Land of Plaque. Once again the evil bats called the Drooling Gummies, under Emperor Ruthless Toothless Brutus and his queen Hali Tosis, have returned to spread their Nightmare Dust, capture fairies and, at all costs, seize the last dragon. With the help from her friends, Taddy Boy, T-Pick the chameleon, Hip Hop the Praying Mantis, and several others along the way, Holly becomes a Dragon Rider and Magician's Apprentice in her quest to save the dragons and all the Fairylands. |

Riding on a meteor, a blob of black goo from the planet Decay crash lands on an unsuspecting earth only to find the secret ancient burial cave of all dragons. The slimy glob clones itself into a hideous black dragon and calls himself Dragor.
Holly Johnson, Beginner Magician, and Fangor, her dragon friend, are once again called upon to save Fairyland, this time from the evil monster determined to take over the world for his own kind.
Tons of fun for children and adults alike!
"You'll laugh your head off, and your child will thrill to the adventure."
Holly Johnson, Beginner Magician, and Fangor, her dragon friend, are once again called upon to save Fairyland, this time from the evil monster determined to take over the world for his own kind.
Tons of fun for children and adults alike!
"You'll laugh your head off, and your child will thrill to the adventure."
Late at night, Duke Skysquawker, a crow from the Northwoods Rookery, discovers weasels stealing pumpkins out of Farmer McSimmons' pumpkin patch. He reports the strange activity to his farm friends who realize they have to do something.
Stranger, a relocated city raccoon, and his field mouse sidekick, Pronto, are sent to find out what is going on. The two masked detectives discover that an evil witch and warlock have devious plans for this year’s Halloween. Along with the Sugarplum Fairy, Quacks the Pig, Sneezer the Bloodhound, Gerome the Gnome, Patches the Scarecrow, and several of their other animal friends, they attempt to put a stop to the wicked plan of making Halloween evil once again. The Witch of Weasel Warren is a fun fantasy escapade with plenty of scary moments and an exciting final battle between good and evil. |
When Santa and his famous team of reindeer fail to return to the North Pole after his Christmas Eve delivery of toys around the world, Mrs. Claus fears the worst. What could have happened to keep Santa from his favourite chair by the fire on Christmas day?
Desperate to find out, Mrs. Claus chooses Olive, an inexperienced prankster of a reindeer, to launch out into the howling winds and frozen wasteland of the Arctic in search of the lost team and their beloved Santa Claus. Soon an injured snowy owl, named Chloe, joins Olive to help the directionally-challenged young reindeer trace Santa’s route through the north. Together the two race off on their hilarious and dangerous adventure, facing blinding storms, unrepentant ghosts, and the never-ending pursuit by White Storm, the wolf pack leader, and his Howling Dozen. As she presses on through ice, snow, and bitter cold, little Olive, the other reindeer, has no idea what perils await her and Chloe, or if she will ever find Santa and his faithful team. |
R. I. A. N. 7

"When Earth receives a distress signal from outer space, the UNISS Astronima is sent to investigate. Several hundred years into the mission, an ice storm smashes into the ship causing the adult crew to lose their life support systems. The onboard computer, RIAN 7 - Robotic Intelligence Artificial Network, Module 7, is forced to wake and train the cloned crew to complete the mission. Thirteen- year-old Ryla 9 is the new Captain, who leads her crew of other teens through the dangers of ‘first contact’ of an alien life form and the perilous rescue of a several species enslaved by creatures of the underworld."